
Icons are inserted in view of svg codes.

* Example of use demo

How to Add the New Icon(s)

Shortcode example: [clubio_icon icon="icon-facebook-logo" link="www.facebook.com" class="hovicon"]

Shortcode parameters:

  1. link - not required parameter. If you add it you will see icon wrapper in view of <a href="your_link"><svg class="icon icon-"....>..</svg></a>

  2. class - not required parameter. If you add only it and no link you will see an icon in div wrapper

  3. name - not required parameter. Attribute "title" if icon wrapper is link.

  4. target - not required parameter. Attribute "target" if icon wrapper is link.

    For example, target="blank" will be trasformed as target="_blank"

Examples of possible icons view: