Theme Structure


  1. Logo, Favicon

    go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Customise -> Site Edentity -> Logo / Site Icon

  2. Top Menu

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Menus -> choose Clubio Header Menu (Clubio Header Menu) and edit it following the standard WordPress procedure.

  3. Header Information Buttons

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme Header Info Buttons, add/remove the code or edit code partly:

    The original demo code:

  4. Header Chat Button

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme Header Right Buttons, add/remove the code:

  5. Header Top Search

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme Header Right Buttons, add/remove shotrcode: [theme_search_header]

  6. Header Top Cart

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme Header Right Buttons, add/remove shotrcode: [clubio_mini_cart]

  7. Languages button

    We recommend to use the plugin Polylang

    Our language button is composed to be compatible with this plugin.

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme Header Right Buttons, add/remove shotrcode: [theme_languages_button_pl]

    The language button will appears when at least one page is translated to other language. And both pages are linked together.

    Please keep attention! If you want to use another language plugin you will have to arrange it manually.


  1. Footer Menu

    Arrange menu in admin left menu: Appearance -> Menus -> Theme Footer Menu
    Choose corresponding menu and add/edit items

  2. Footer Logo

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme Footer Left Logos
    By default svg icon logo is set. You can remove full the code and insert own svg code for logo or remove existing widget and add Image widget with own logo.

    In our original demo the SVG code is added:

    [clubio_icon icon="icon-logo-footer" class="tt-logo tt-logo-alignment" link="#"]

    But if you need to add just an image in the Footer add the widget Image here

  3. Footer Information

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme Footer Information

    Default html content from the demo:
  4. Footer Socials

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme Footer Socials

  5. Footer Copyright

    Go in admin left menu: Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme Footer Copyright


Go in Pages -> Clubio Home Page

If you want to create the page manually from scratch you can use our original demo blocks to compose a Homepage

Home page blocks

Modal blocks

Button content which are linked with Modal blocks should be added in Widgets -> Theme Header Info Buttons

To add new blocks or change the existing on go in Appearance -> Widgets -> Theme forms

  • Please, pay attention that each modal block should be placed separately.
    You should add a new widget called Clubio Demo Widget to each modal block.

  • Don’t place the block inside of other block.

  • Each modal block should have outer id.

  • The buttons in the header right part widget Theme Header Info Banners are connected with modal blocks via the attribute:

    Each modal block has outer attribute id

  • For example, if you try to connect the button VIP tables it has the html:
    <a data-target="#modalVipTables" ... > ... VIP tables ... </a>

    So, the modal block should have html with id attribute:
    <div id="modalVipTables" ... > ... </div>

  • For the button private events it has the html:
    <a data-target="#modalPrivateEvent" ... > ... private events ... </a>

    So, the modal block should have html with id attribute:
    <div id="modalPrivateEvent" ... > ... </div>

  • For example, if you try to connect the button modal chart it has the html:
    <a data-target="#modalChat" ... > ... .. </a>

    So, the modal block should have html with id attribute:
    <div id="#modalChat" ... > ... </div>

  1. Modal Form Private Events

    Original demo code for the block:

  2. Modal Form VIP Tables

    Original demo code for the block:

  3. Modal Form Modal Chat

    Original demo code for the block:

  4. Modal Form Buy Ticket

    Original demo code for the block:

Options: Colors/Fonts

  1. Activate using of custom options

    Go in Appearance -> Customize -> Clubio General Settings -> Use of custom options


    Go in Appearance -> Customize -> Theme colors, change them if you need and press Publish button

    Main colors of the theme

    For example, to change the main theme colors (which are pink and purple by default):

    Go in Appearance -> Customize -> Theme colors -> Colors (General)

    Use fields:

    • Primary color
    • Secondary color


    Go in Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Fonts Sizes, change them if you need and press Publish button


    Go in Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Google Fonts, change them if you need and press Publish button

    If you need to change only one font you may left the other one as "-" symbol

Options: Preloader

  1. To activate a preloader go in Appearance -> Customize -> Clubio General Settings -> Using of preloader

  2. In the field Preloader html enter own html to be used in the Preloader in the Main Slider or use the theme's premade html

  3. Some examples of html:

    • Original demo code for the SVG icon

    • To add an image you can write such html code here (change the src property to yours):

      <‍img src="" alt="test preloader" />
    • To add an image wrapped in a link you can write such html:

      <‍a href="your link">
          <‍img src="" alt="test preloader" />